Dear colleagues,
The Centre of Ethnology of the Cultural Heritage Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova invites you to submit materials for the Journal Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie.
General considerations:
The journal accepts for publication scientific papers: articles, reviews, information materials on internal and external scientific events (congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia), covering innovative topics from the field of humanities: ethnology and culturology. The Journal Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie appears quarterly and is distributed free on request in all public libraries and scientific centers of the humanistic profile. Papers can be submitted in English, Romanian, and Russian. Articles should be sent to the Editors with Declaration of author.

The structure of the work shall be as follows:
I. Name of the author and title of the article: At the beginning of the paper, indicate the name and surname of the author/authors (text on the right margin, in italics, as in sentences, for example: Nathalie HEINICH). This is followed by the title of the article (text centered, uppercase, and bold): IMAGE OF CHISINAU IN ITS RESIDENTSʼ TRPRESENTATIONS: URBAN VERSUS RURAL

II. Summary:
The main text shall be preceded by a summary in English, accompanied by key words (5). The summary shall reflect the content of the article, the basic ideas and conclusions. The summary shall be in Times New Roman, font size 10, 1.0 space. Each summary will contain 1500 characters, including the spaces.

III. The paper:
The size of the text should not exceed 1.0 author’s pages (40000 characters, counting spaces and punctuation signs), including summary, the text, the bibliography, the illustrative material, the information about the author, etc. The text of the papers shall be submitted in electronic formats: Times New Roman, font size 14, 1.5 space.

IV. Footnotes: In the text of the paper, footnotes are given manually in superscript characters (for example5). As well as in the text, the numbering in the note is carried out in superscript.
V. List of Informants: Includes name, age, place of residence.

VI. List of abbreviations

VII. References:
The bibliographic notes in the text shall be shown in the original. The bibliography is placed after the main text of the article. The references are listed in alphabetical order. In case, titles in Cyrillic characters are used, an additional bibliography is drawn with the titles transliterated into Latin characters (according to the Library of Congress system US).

Examples of transliteration: Кущ Т. В. 2008. Чума в поздней Византии. В: Византийский временник. Т. 67, с. 38-56. / Kushch T. V. 2008. Chuma v pozdnei Vizantii. V: Vizantiiskii vremennik. T. 67, s. 38-56.
It is proposed to distinguish four main types of cited literature and sources in the list of references: 1. Monograph. 2. Collection of materials. 3. Article in a collection. 4. Article in a journal. 5. Archival document. 6. Electronic document.
References to the bibliographical sources are indicated in round brackets, inserted in the text, for example:
Monograph: (Ghinoiu 1999: 55), i.e.: a) Author’ surname. b) Year of publication of the work. c) Colon. d) The page number to which the author refers. If necessary, the reference is expanded by indicating the number of the figure, table or map, i. e.: (Ghinoiu 1999: 55, fig. 5, tab. 8).
Collection of materials (Ethnic 1969) i. e. a) The first word of the title of the collection. b) Year of publication.
Article in a collection: (Dolghi 2019: 114-115), i.e.: a) Author’s surname. b) Year of publication of the work. c) Colon. d) The page number to which the author refers.
Article in a journal: (Ceaușescu 2018: 204), i.e.: a) Author’s surname. b) Year of publication of the work. c) The separating character in the form of a colon. d) The page number to which the author refers.
Archival document: (NARM, f., inv., d., sh.), i.e.: a) The name of the archive. b) Fund number. c) Inventory number. d) Case number. e) The number of the sheet to which the author refers.
Electronic document: (Antonescu 2009).

Examples of indicating published sources in References:
Monograph: Ghinoiu I. 1999. Lumea de aici, lumea de dincolo. Bucureşti: Fundaţia Culturală Română.
The following information is given (in the order indicated): a) The surname of the author(s). b) The initials of the author(s). c) Year of publication of the work. d) The title of the work. e) Place of publication. e) Publishing house.
Collection of materials: Ethnic 1969: Ethnic group and boundaries: the social organization of cultural difference. Oslo: Universitetsofrlagest. i.e. a) The first word of the name of the collection. b) Year of publication of the collection. c) Name of the collection. d) Place of publication. e) Publishing house.
Article in a collection: Dolghi A. 2019. Impactul colectivizării asupra vieţii cotidiene din RSS Moldovenească (1944–1951). In: Valorificarea patrimoniului etnocultural în educaţia tinerei generaţii şi a societăţii civile. Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale a Tinerilor Cercetători (Ediţia a IV-a, 30 octombrie 2019). Chişinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, p. 113-129.
In this case, the following information shall be indicated: a) Surname of the author (s) of the article. b) The initials of the author (s) of the article. c) Year of publication. d) Title of the article. e) Separating symbol In: f) Title of the collection. g) City & Publishing house. j) First and last pages of the article.
Article in a journal: Ceaușescu A. 2018. Câteva considerații privind simbolistica fierului în obiceiurile familiale din Oltenia. In: Arhivele Olteniei, nr. 32, p. 201-210.
In this case, the following shall also be indicated: a) Surname of the author (s) of the article. b) The initials of the author (s) of the article. c) Year of publication. d) Title of the article. e) Separating symbol In: f) Title of the journal. g) Journal number. j) First and last pages of the article.
Archival document: ANRM, fund, inventory, case, sheet.
Electronic documents: Antonescu R. 2009. Dicționar de Simboluri și Credințe Tradiționale Românești. (vizited 04.03.2020).
VIII. Illustrative material:
The illustrative material shall be presented in clear graphic form in electronic format (JPG or TIF-no less than 300 dpi). Images, tables, graphs etc. will be accompanied by appropriate legends with the indication of the source of origin.

IX. Information about the author:
Surname, name (city, land), scientific and didactic degree, institution in three languages (Romanian, Russian, English), e-mail, ORCID.

Tamas Hajnaczky (Budapesta, Ungaria). Expert în politici etnice și minoritare, Universitatea Károli Gáspár a Bisericii Reformate din Ungaria.
Тамаш Хайнацки (Будапешт, Венгрия). Эксперт по вопросам политики в отношении этнических меньшинств, Университет Венгерской реформатской церкви им. Кароли Гашпара.
Tamás Hajnáczky (Budapest, Hungary). Ethnic and Minority Policy Expert, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.

Reviews, book presentations, personalia etc.
The materials shall be presented in the author’s editing, but they must meet the established standards (Times New Roman, font size 14, 1.5 space).
The articles are subject to reviews by specialists in the field possessing doctoral degrees. The editorial board claims the right to reject the materials that do not correspond to the profile of the journal and to the technical standards of publication, as well as the ones that lack scientific value or were previously published under various forms in other journals or books.
No fees are collected for publishing materials in the Journal of Ethnology and Culturology and no honorariums are offered. Honorariums are not paid either for reviewing the materials proposed for publication.
The article may be submitted via e-mail to the editor.
Address: Editorial Board – Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie, Cultural Heritage Institute, Center of Ethnology, 1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant bd., office 532, MD-2001, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Additional information may be requested: telephone (+373 22) 27-10-07, (+373 22) 27-13-53; e-mail:;; website:;